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Frequently Asked Questions



What is the Detroit Western High School Alumni Association, Inc. (DWHSAA)?

Under the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs the Detroit Western High School Alumni Association was established as a non-profit corporation on Nov.13, 2012. It was formed to support the Detroit Western International High School.  The Alumni Association will provide financial assistance to students with a desire to attend college, business or trade school.


How can I join the DWHSAA?

Western seniors in their last semester, Western graduates, and all current or former Western faculty and staff are eligible to join the Detroit Western High School Alumni Association.  You can download a Membership Application form from the Membership page here and mail it in with your dues payment.

How much are the dues and how are they used?

A)          Dues of $4.00 a year for Western Students and Graduates under the age of 20 years.


B)          Dues of $10.00 a year for Graduates (Alumni) over the age of 20 years.


C)          Dues of $10.00 a year for current and former Faculty and Staff.


D)          Dues will help cover the costs of the Association and fund the Scholarship Program.  No more than 10% will be used for operating costs, and the remaining 90% will be used for the Scholarship program.

Does the DWHSAA plan class reunions?

No, the Association does not plan class reunions. The Association will provide classes with a guide on how to plan a successful class reunion, a listing of class members in the database (based on availability), and use of the bulk mail permit. Classes may also use our tax-exempt number when purchasing items for the reunion. When using the tax-exempt number, classes must donate at least $100 towards the Associations Scholarship fund.

What is the Class Contact list for?

It would be impossible for the Alumni Association to maintain a list of all alumni for all the classes. We hope to find a contact person(s) for each class that maintains a list. Through this person(s) we could contact all alumni, and alumni looking for information on class reunions could contact this person(s).

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