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Dear Alumni,
In September 2012, as a result of the impact a School Tour of Western made on a 50-year reunion group of alums, and others, the steps that follow have been taken, as of January 11, 2013, to establish the Detroit Western High School Alumni Association.
1) Consultation with an Attorney.
2) Established a Name: Detroit Western High School Alumni Association
3) Appointed four-year termed Officers.
4) Bylaws formulated.
5) Mission Statement created:
The Detroit Western High School Alumni Association will support Detroit Western International High School to promote a healthy learning environment that will prepare students to become successful and productive contributing members of society.
6) Articles of Incroporation received from the State of Michigan.
7) An Employer ID Number assigned by the IRS.
8) A Membership Application created.
9) A web page created:
10) An Association E-mail address set up:
11) A Scholarship Application formulated.
12) IRS Form 1023 filed in order to obtain Tax Exempt Status.
13) Opening a DWHS Alumni Association Bank Account.
14) Preparing in the near future an application for an USPS Non-profit Mailing Permit.
I would like to thank, Raymond Rodriguez - Vice President, Judy L. (Hull) Rakowski - Treasurer, Ann Brighton - Secretary, Lauri Rodriguez - Trustee, Toni Sanchez-Murphy - Trustee, for all their hard work to get us this far. Thanks also to all the members who have given generously to make it possible to award several scholarships this year.
​Thank You!
Ralph V. Brighton - President
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